• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Law Regulating Waterfront Infrastructure In Lagos State

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  • Law Regulating Waterfront Infrastructure In Lagos State


An Extract Of The Law To Provide For The Regulation Of Waterfront Infrastructure Development In Lagos State.


Section 20 – (1) Any person who carries on the business of sand dealing or sand dredging along the waterfronts without obtaining the necessary Operations Permit shall be liable on conviction to a fine not more than One Million Naira (N1, 000,000.00) or imprisonment for a term of 2 years or both.

(2) Any person who constructs, develops, erects any building or any other structure (not being a structure required for water transportation) along the waterfronts and embankments within the State without a permit or in any other manner contravenes the provisions of this law, shall be liable on conviction to a fine not more than One Million Naira (N1, 000,000.00) or imprisonment for a term of six months or both.

(3) Any person who encroaches, obstructs, or impedes physical accesses to any waterfront, damage or impairs the aesthetic of any waterfront whether partially or wholly shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (N250, 000.00) or imprisonment for a term of three months or both.

Type Operator Fee Per Location Per Annum Fee Per Dredge Per Annum
Sand Miners – N200,000.00
Laterite Dealers – N100,000.00

Dredging firms: Category ‘A’.
Ø Hopper Dredge – N10 Million
Ø Cutter Suction Dredge (24” – 30”) – N10 Million
Ø Cutter Suction Dredge (17” – 20”) – N3 Million
Ø Cutter Suction Dredge (10” – 16”) – N1.5 Million

Dredgers: Category ‘B’

Ø Sand Stockpiles/Sellers

1. LEKKI Ajah – N1,000,000.00
2. Ikorodu – N750,000.00
3. Badagry/Epe – N1,000,000.00

Dredgers: Category ‘C’
Ø Manual Dredgers – N100,000.00


(Source: http://www.lagosstate.gov.ng/pagemenus.php?p=119&k=39)